What would you do if you believed anything was possible?

Diaspora means the dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland.

When I first had the idea of starting Diaspora, I had already encountered several talented creatives with a similar background to mine. After x hours of work and conversations, I ended up writing down our current mission on a piece of paper:

We are a management and agency for creatives, with an intentional focus on personal development. Our goal is to help our creatives navigate through and let go of their fears and limiting beliefs.

We do exercises to become more conscious and aware of our strengths and weaknesses, which is the first step towards development. Most importantly, we do our best to create a judgement free space that allows our creatives to thrive.

The goal is to make art that springs forth from a deep and true place.

The more we are able to detach from the patterns we no longer want within us, the more we are able to believe in a desired vision for our future. I know this because of my own personal journey. We want to stand by your side as you develop towards the place you feel like you belong.

I look forward to hearing from you. Until then, thanks for reading ‘Our Why’, and…

We help creative people find the place where they feel like they belong.

Stay Passionate.

Andreas Miguel